Saturday, 23 February 2013

Week 24 Bump Update!

So this week was not very productive. I personally feel like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. Everyday I have a sick feeling that my girls will come early..... too early and unfortunately this is a fear that I think most parents of twins tend to go through.  Switching the mood here... ready? ... Daddy FINALLY felt the girls kick this week! His reaction - Cool!

Haha - Men.

How far along? 24 weeks 
Total weight gain: I havent check to be honest this week.
Maternity clothes? Yes, although my maternity clothes is actually starting to feel snug.
Stretch marks? YES! WAAAAAA! I found one more on my side! A new one! 
Sleep: I've had to move BACK to the other bedroom this week, why you may ask? I'm sick yet again!!!!!! 
Best moment this week: Daddy's reaction to feeling his girls kick :) 
Miss anything?  God do you want the long list... or short list?
- drinking more coffee
- being able to turn in bed without discomfort
- sleeping on my tummy
- staying up late (anything past 10pm would be cool)
- having the desire to even put some makeup (I look worn out most days)
- not having horrible, disgusting colds!!!!!!!!!!
Movement: All the time..... and I mean - ALL.....THE...TIME!!!! (especially while I'm sleeping)
Food cravings: I <3 chocolate again.
Anything making you queasy or sick: no this is a thing of the pass
Gender: Little Princesses.
Labor signs: A little crampy but nothing to be freaked out about I dont think?
Symptoms: Holy Kansas my body hurts in places I've never seen hahaha.
Belly button in or out? not so inny anymore :(
Wedding rings on or off? On but my feeties are starting to swell which is making it hard to put on my boots :(
Happy or moody most of the time:  5ft tall... twins... and a bad cold = 1 moody-ass B*****
Looking forward to: Seeing my girls in 12 weeks time!

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Week 23 Bump Update!

Week 23 Bump Update! 

We had another ultrasound this past friday, they said they would have to induce me before 36 no later because they have what is called absent end flow which means that the blood flow to and from the umbilical cords isn't brilliant and the girls are working extra hard to pump their little blood around..... They expected to see it in one baby but not both and they claim to have never seen this before, which is a bit annoying and distressing. Other than that the girls seem to be progressing well. 

Seems they will be keeping the girls on close watch as the weeks progress . 

How far along? 23 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: I havent check to be honest this week.
Maternity clothes? Yes .. wish I could buy more but am trying to save money.
Stretch marks? stretch marks - not too many and the ones that have popped up are tiny 
Sleep: This past week has been better since moving into the other room. 
My lovely husband has raised our bed so I've moved back in ;-)
Best moment this week: Watching and video taping my jumping belly beans! ha! 
Miss anything?  Not running out of breathe after 2 mins... jesus I feel like an old fart these days
Movement: Hella yea! these two dont stop! It's constant fighting already, they are both fighting for space I think now. 
Food cravings: This week is rice crispies treats YUMMYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: no this is a thing of the pass
Gender: Little Princesses.
Labor signs: A little crampy but nothing to be freaked out about I dont think?
Symptoms: Holy Kansas my body hurts in places I've never seen hahaha.
Belly button in or out? Inny! inny inny still inny ! Damn right!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time:  A little cranky I must admit
Looking forward to: seeing my girls again on Feb 15th :)
23 weeks Pregnant with Twins

Week 22 Bump Update!

Week 22 Bump Update! 

This week was nice.. although still having alot of pelvic pain during the night. I also have a lovely cold which isn't nice either. I've moved out of our bedroom and into the spare room because the bed is harder (which I think will be better on the hips) and I've taken it upon myself to quarantine my little sick self. Pregnancies and colds do not mix. 

How far along? 22 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain:10 lbs which isnt too bad I think for carrying two bubs around
Maternity clothes? Ok this might be more info than anyone needs to know but I've resorted to just sporting a robe around the house - oh well.
Stretch marks? stretch marks - not too many and the ones that have popped up are tiny 
Sleep: you can say goodbye to my posture and hips ! OUCH!
Best moment this week: Seeing my girls at our ultrasound, they look like real babies now!
Miss anything?  seeing my feet! I forgot what they look like :P
Movement: gosh yes, they are especially active when mom is ready for bed.
Food cravings: Grapes.
Anything making you queasy or sick: no this is a thing of the pass
Gender: Girls!!!
Labor signs: No thank god. Thank god .. just a little cramping
Symptoms: my hips hips hips hips!
Belly button in or out? Inny! but a very shallow inny.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time:  A little cranky
Looking forward to: seeing my girls again on Feb 15th :)
22 weeks pregnant  bump with twins

Twins at 22 weeks gestation