Week 16 Bump Update!
I missed a week! grrr guilty as charged! sorry everyone it's been a very busy two weeks. On Dec 18th we had our second appointment at Saint Mary's Hospital with the lovely specialist Dr. Chan.
We were told the twins still have a week between them but he concluded that this looks to be more than likely twin discordance and not ttts as we were suspecting. He has referred us back to our local hospital to continue scans every two weeks and keep an eye on the twins just to make sure that the ttts doesn't spontaneously occur as we know very well can still happen at any time. We tired to find out the sex but nada! just couldnt because our little jumping beans were going insane... (probably off the chocolate milk i down prior to the scan hehe)
Also had a bit of an issue with my scheduling as my local hospital was supposed to be taking over and booking me in, as I had not heard from them to confirm any sort of appointment I had to call and chase with the appointment girl (I'm sure she has a real job title but her lack of help does not warrant one at this time ... :-P
I called and asked to know when my appointment was - she didnt know and would have to get back to me
she then called back - 5 hours later
and the date she booked me in for - 5 weeks later towards the end of Jan!! to which I politely and in my most annoyingly sweet voice told her that this was a bit ridiculous considering I'm supposed to be having them every two weeks under orders of the specialist.
her response ...... They were full booked up and this was the earliest they had!
I'm not one to moan or go ape-shit but these are my babies we're talkin' about here.... so I calmly hung up with her and got straight on the phone with St. Mary's Hospital. I spoke to this lovely midwife (cant remember her name - shame on me) and she said "absolutely NOT! that is far to late and get on the phone to them and straighten this up right away for you and call you right back"
I must admit I was laughing inside a bit (ooooooooooo someone's gonna get it! haha)
About half an hour past and I received a phone call from what sounded to me like a very annoyed young woman calling from my local hospital. Wow... what do you know a slot just opened up I was set up for another ultrasound for Dec 28th. She of course had to let me know they they had received a call from St. Mary's Hospital in Manchester. Damn right you did!
How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain: not sure... but I think the scale just went past the 11 stone... now it says "Chunk"
Maternity clothes? yup
Stretch marks? I haven't checked on this actually
Sleep: better but I have noticed if I sleep on one side I feel the babies on that side the next morning.
Best moment this week: being told still no sign of TTTS and saw my babies CUDDLING!!!!!
Miss anything? Sleeping on my tummy ... I miss that!
Movement: Yea .. at least I think so! feels almost like after you had a big meal and things are shifting.
Food cravings: chocolate milk
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope not anymore !!! yay!
Gender: :-( noooo no not yet but maybe for the next scan!
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: Lightheaded and feeling dizzy
Belly button in or out? on it's way out.
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or moody most of the time: cray baby.
Looking forward to: being told the sex!